Views from Within

Hunt County Hero, Audie Murphy

Posted by Vickie Conner on

If you are unfamiliar with the name, Audie Murphy, read this blog post to find out a little about Hunt County’s own local hero.

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Venturing into Vintage Vinyl

Posted by Vickie Conner on

So what are some things you need to figure out before you begin your vinyl collection?  

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The Passion to Collect

Posted by Vickie Conner on

Over the years, Rick and I have met people who collect anything and everything. Because of this, we find it difficult to pass over many things when we are out picking.  It also makes it hard to know which items to select for our shop!  We have a number of collections ourselves, but if you don’t, perhaps you’ve wondered just why people wish to surround themselves with certain collectibles.  The following list (according to Chat gpt) offers explanations for why collecting is such a popular pastime. (Photos from the web). Nostalgia: Collecting vintage items allows people to hold onto memories...

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Vintage Meiji Clock

Posted by Vickie Conner on

This particular Meiji clock is an estate find.  I don’t know enough about clocks to test them, but I love the look and history of them.

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Vintage Glassware

Posted by Vickie Conner on

In order for you to know us better, we are adding photos from inside our shop.  Most everything is for sale, so if you see something you love, send us a message or give us a call.

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